Thursday, August 14, 2008

bful memories of class-X

Even today after 2 years the months beginning frm 29 June 2007 to july 07 are intact in our memory.....our class X result & its implications.....we both got 96.6% agg. with same marks in all d subjects....
all this was because of GOD's grace...
we hope to live upto the expectations of our family....we were fortunate that GOD blessed us
ppl say that we r bookworms , though we're trying r level best to overcome this obstacle also by engrossing rselves in activities of stage plays,environ conservation,anchoring,dancing,blogging ,praanic healing and cooking besides studying...
today r only mottto is 2 achieve sumthing in life so that we make r parents n g'parents proud of us..we wish2 give them that happiness which no son or daughter could ever have given them..
r frendz have played a major role in r lives & will be a part in future as well..
r motto is TO GET ADMISSION IN SRCC,NEW DELHI..........we r making the most sincere efforts 4 that ...
hope so we achieve it...

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